

8 hours ago

Shin Splints Got You Down

Just started experiencing shin splints on my last few runs. Anyone have any tips on how to alleviate the pain? I've tried icing and stretching, but still feeling it pretty badly. Are there any exercises or changes to my form that could help prevent them in the future?



7 hours ago

Shin splints are no fun. I've dealt with them in the past too. One thing that helped me was strengthening my ankles. Try doing some calf raises and ankle circles to build up your ankle strength. Also, make sure you're wearing shoes with enough support and consider getting orthotics if you have flat feet. That might help reduce the impact on your shins.


6 hours ago

Ankle strengthening is a great tip! I'd also add that focusing on proper foot strike and cadence can help reduce the impact on your shins. Try to land midfoot or forefoot instead of heel striking.

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