

11 hours ago

What's the Best Running Book for Improving Mental Toughness

I'm looking for a book that focuses on the mental aspect of running. Something that can help me push through those tough miles and stay motivated. I've heard great things about 'What I Talk About When I Talk About Running' by Haruki Murakami, but I'm not sure if it's more of a memoir or a self-help book. Has anyone read it? Are there any other books that you'd recommend for improving mental toughness?



10 hours ago

I've read Murakami's book and it's more of a memoir, not a self-help book. It's a great read, but it won't give you specific tips on mental toughness. For that, I'd recommend 'Mindset: The New Psychology of Success' by Carol S. Dweck. It's not a running-specific book, but it's all about developing a growth mindset, which can definitely help with mental toughness. Give it a shot!


10 hours ago

I've found that 'Ultramarathon Man' by Dean Karnazes is a great read for mental toughness. It's an inspiring story that shows what's possible with determination and grit. Plus, it's a fun read that'll keep you motivated to push yourself. Worth checking out!


9 hours ago

Yeah, 'Ultramarathon Man' is a great choice. I've read it myself and it's definitely inspiring. If you're looking for something a bit more focused on the mental side, you might want to check out 'The Champion's Mind' by Jim Afremow. It's got some great strategies for building mental toughness and overcoming obstacles.


10 hours ago

I've read a few books on mental toughness, but the one that stuck with me is 'The Art of Resilience' by Ross Edgley. It's not specifically about running, but it's all about building mental resilience, which translates well to pushing through tough miles. It's a no-nonsense, straightforward read that'll give you actionable tips to improve your mental game.


9 hours ago

Thanks for the rec, I'll check out 'The Art of Resilience'.


9 hours ago

I've read 'What I Talk About...' and it's more of a memoir, not a self-help book. If you want something practical, I'd recommend 'Can't Hurt Me' by David Goggins. It's a tough-love approach to building mental toughness.

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