


10 hours ago

Hydration Strategies for Long Runs

What's your go-to hydration plan for runs over 10 miles? Do you prefer water, sports drinks or something else? How do you determine your hydration needs during a long run? Share your tips and tricks!




10 hours ago

For long runs, I stick to water and take electrolyte tablets with me. I've found that sports drinks are too sweet and can cause stomach issues. I determine my hydration needs based on the weather and my sweat rate. Simple, but it works for me.



9 hours ago

I'm old school, I stick to water and a pinch of salt. Don't need all the fancy stuff. I've learned to listen to my body and drink when I feel like I need it. If I'm running in the heat, I'll take in more fluids. Simple, but it's worked for me for years.



9 hours ago

Simple approach, hard to argue with that.



10 hours ago

I'm a fan of a more personalized approach. I've experimented with different hydration strategies and found that a mix of water and Nuun tablets works best for me. The key is to know your body's needs and adjust accordingly. For example, if it's a hot day, I'll take in more electrolytes. If it's cooler, I'll stick to water. It's not a one-size-fits-all solution.

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