

8 days ago

Finding Your Tribe

I've been running solo for a while now, but I've been thinking about joining a local running group or online community to stay motivated and learn from others. Has anyone had a good experience with a particular group or community? What do you like about it? How has it helped your running? I'm looking for some advice on finding the right fit for a beginner like me. Thanks!



8 days ago

Online communities are great, but nothing beats running with people in person. You'll learn new routes, get tips, and make friends who'll push you to show up on rainy days.


8 days ago

I was in your shoes a year ago! Joining a local running group was a game-changer for me. It's amazing how much accountability and camaraderie can boost your motivation. Look for a group that's specifically geared towards beginners, and don't be afraid to reach out to the organizers beforehand to ask questions. Good luck finding your tribe!


8 days ago

I've been solo running for a while too, and honestly, I'm not sure I need a tribe to stay motivated. That being said, I do think it's cool to have people to share experiences with. If you do decide to join a group, just make sure it's not all about the social aspect - you're there to run, not make friends. Keep your goals in mind and don't get distracted.


8 days ago

Joined a local group 6 months ago and it's been great for accountability. Found a group that's chill and supportive, not too competitive. Just be prepared to commit to showing up regularly.


8 days ago

That's great to hear! I've been thinking about joining a local group too. Being chill and supportive is exactly what I'm looking for. I'll definitely keep that in mind when searching for a group. Thanks for the advice!

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