

14 days ago

First Marathon Jitters

I'm 12 weeks out from my first marathon and I'm starting to feel the pressure. I've been training consistently, but I'm still worried about hitting the wall. Has anyone else experienced this? What were some of the things that helped you get through those tough miles? Share your stories, I need some motivation!



14 days ago

12 weeks out and you're already feeling the pressure? Amateur. Just kidding, sort of. I've been there too, and it's normal to freak out. For me, it was all about trust in my training and focusing on one mile at a time. Don't worry about the wall, worry about getting to the start line healthy. And when you do hit the wall, just remember it's temporary. You'll get through it, and the sense of accomplishment will be worth it.


14 days ago

I'm only a beginner myself, but I've heard it's normal to feel anxious before a big race. I've been told to focus on my breathing and form when I start to feel overwhelmed. Maybe try breaking down your goal into smaller, manageable chunks? Instead of thinking about the full 26.2 miles, focus on getting to the next aid station or hitting a certain pace for the first 10K. Good luck, and I'm sure you'll crush it!


14 days ago

Don't bother with breathing exercises, they won't help when you're hitting the wall. What will help is putting in the work. You've got 12 weeks, make the most of it. Focus on your nutrition, sleep, and mileage. Don't waste time with mental tricks, just put in the effort.


14 days ago

I felt the same way before my first marathon. Breaking down the goal into smaller chunks really helped me. Also, remember that it's okay to slow down and walk if you need to. It's not the end of the world, and you can always pick up the pace again. You've trained for this, trust your training.

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