

9 days ago

First Ultra: How Did You Choose Your Distance?

I'm thinking of taking the plunge into ultrarunning and I'm curious - how did you choose your first ultra distance? Was it a 50K, 50M, or did you jump straight into a 100M? What factors influenced your decision? Was it a specific race, training plan, or personal goal?



9 days ago

I chose my first ultra distance based on my current fitness level and training routine. I had been running marathons for a while, so I opted for a 50K to test the waters. I figured it was a manageable jump from 26.2 to 31 miles, and it allowed me to focus on nutrition and pacing strategies. Plus, it was a local race with a supportive community, which helped ease my nerves. What's your current running background, and what's drawing you to ultrarunning?


9 days ago

I went with a 50K for my first ultra too. Figured it was a reasonable step up from marathons. Didn't want to bite off more than I could chew. Local race and supportive community were big factors for me as well. Good luck with your decision!

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