

16 days ago

Foam Rolling for Runners: Overhyped or Essential?

I've been hearing a lot about foam rolling lately, but I'm not convinced it's worth the time and effort. I mean, I've been running just fine without it. Does anyone actually notice a significant difference in their recovery or performance after incorporating foam rolling into their routine? Or is it just another fad?



16 days ago

I used to think foam rolling was a waste of time, but after dealing with IT band issues, I gave it a shot. Now I roll out my legs 2-3 times a week and it's made a huge difference in reducing soreness. Not saying it's a magic cure, but it's definitely helped me recover faster.


16 days ago

I'm still skeptical, but I guess it's worth trying if you're dealing with specific issues like IT band problems. Maybe it's not a one-size-fits-all solution.


16 days ago

Good to hear that foam rolling has helped with your IT band issues. I've been skeptical about it too, but hearing about your experience makes me want to give it a try. Maybe it's not a magic cure, but if it can help with recovery, it's worth a shot.

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