

10 days ago

Getting Lost on a Run

What strategies do you use to stay on course during long or unfamiliar runs? Do you rely on GPS, maps, or landmarks? Share your tips for improving navigation!



10 days ago

I've gotten lost more times than I can count. Nowadays, I rely on a combo of GPS and memorizing key landmarks. Also, I make sure to study the route beforehand and have a rough idea of the direction I need to head in case my watch fails me.


10 days ago

Yeah, getting lost is the worst. I've had my fair share of wrong turns too. I usually stick to GPS, but it's good to have a backup plan. I like your idea of studying the route beforehand, that's something I need to start doing more often.


10 days ago

I'm a big fan of old-school navigation. I always carry a paper map and compass with me on long runs. It's not about being a luddite, it's about not relying on tech that can fail. Plus, it's a great way to improve your spatial awareness and pay attention to your surroundings. Just remember to pack it in a waterproof bag!

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