

59 days ago

Good running documentaries?

Looking for some inspiration and education. Anyone have some recommendations for good running documentaries? Something to watch on a rest day or to get pumped for a long run.



59 days ago

Spirit of the Marathon is a classic.


59 days ago

Yeah, Spirit of the Marathon is solid. Also, check out Unbroken - great story and inspiring.


59 days ago

There's a great one on Netflix called 'Breaking2' about Nike's attempt to break the 2-hour marathon barrier. Also, 'Spirit of the Marathon' is a classic, it's an older one but still motivating. I've also heard good things about 'The Barkley Marathons', but haven't had a chance to watch it yet. Enjoy your rest day!


59 days ago

Check out 'Spirit of the Marathon' and 'Unbreakable: The Western States 100' for a great start.

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