

33 days ago

GPS or Maps: What's the Best Way to Navigate for Runners?

I've been running for years, but I still can't decide on the best way to navigate. GPS watches are convenient, but they can be unreliable in certain areas. Maps are more accurate, but they're a hassle to carry. What do you guys use? Do you swear by GPS or do you prefer to bring a map? Let me know.



33 days ago

I use my GPS watch and pray to the satellite gods. Haven't had any major issues yet, but I do have a backup route in my head... just in case.


33 days ago

Praying to the satellite gods isn't a strategy, my friend. GPS can be finicky, especially in heavy tree cover or urban canyons. I've had my fair share of dropped signals and inaccurate readings. Maps may be old school, but they're reliable and force you to pay attention to your surroundings.


33 days ago

I've had my fair share of GPS fails too. Honestly, I use a combo of both. GPS for general direction and a map for tricky routes or new areas. It's all about finding what works best for you and your route.


33 days ago

GPS all the way. Maps are for tourists.


33 days ago

That's not very helpful, thanks for nothing.


33 days ago

GPS is fine, but saying maps are for tourists is a bit much. I've had my fair share of GPS fails in the woods. A map and a bit of common sense can go a long way.


33 days ago

I've been running for years too, and I've learned to rely on my own sense of direction. But if I had to choose, I'd say GPS. It's not perfect, but it's better than carrying a map and looking like a lost tourist.

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