

6 days ago

GPS Tracking Accuracy: How Much Do You Trust Your Watch?

How many of you have experienced significant discrepancies in your GPS tracking data? I've noticed that my watch can be off by up to 0.5 miles on certain routes. What's the general consensus on GPS tracking accuracy? Do you rely solely on your watch's data or do you cross-check with other sources?



6 days ago

I've had similar issues with GPS accuracy, especially in areas with tall buildings or heavy tree cover. I've started using my watch's data as a general guide, but I also pay attention to my own sense of pace and effort. It's not always about the exact numbers, but about how I feel during the run. That being said, it's still frustrating when the data is way off!


6 days ago

GPS accuracy is a joke. I've had my watch tell me I ran 6 miles when I knew I did 7. I've learned to use it as a rough guide, but not rely on it too much. It's more about the overall feel of the run, not the exact numbers.


6 days ago

I'm with you on that. I've had similar experiences where my watch would be off by a few hundred meters. It's frustrating, but I've learned to take it with a grain of salt. I use my watch as a general guide, but I also pay attention to my own pace and how I'm feeling. It's not always about the exact numbers, but about getting a sense of my progress.


6 days ago

Yeah, GPS can be sketchy. I've had similar issues. It's annoying, but I just take it as a rough estimate and don't stress too much about it.


6 days ago

I've had my fair share of GPS discrepancies too. I've learned to take my watch's data with a grain of salt. For me, it's more about tracking progress and trends rather than exact distances. I mean, who's really gonna notice 0.1 miles here and there? It's all about consistency, not absolute accuracy.

Consistency is key, I agree. But it's still nice to have a general idea of your actual distance.


6 days ago

I've had issues with GPS accuracy too, especially in wooded areas. I've started using a combination of my watch and a running app on my phone to get a more accurate reading. It's annoying, but I've learned to live with it. It's not like I'm trying to win a marathon or anything.

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