

10 days ago

GPS tracking apps: Which ones do you use for solo runs?

Looking for some recommendations on GPS tracking apps that work well for solo runs. Currently using Strava, but open to trying others. Anyone have experience with alternatives like Runkeeper or MapMyRun?



10 days ago

I've tried a few different GPS tracking apps, but I always come back to Garmin Connect. I like that it syncs seamlessly with my watch and provides detailed pace and elevation data. Plus, it's free and doesn't have all the social features that can be distracting. That being said, I've heard good things about Runkeeper, especially for its audio cues and personalized coaching. Might be worth checking out if you're looking for something different.


10 days ago

I've used them all, but I stick with Garmin Connect. Simple, accurate, and no fluff.


10 days ago

I've tried Strava and Runkeeper, but I'm not a fan of all the bells and whistles. I just want something simple that tracks my run. MapMyRun's been okay for me, but I'm still looking for something better.


10 days ago

I've used both Strava and Runkeeper, and I have to say, I prefer Runkeeper. The audio cues are super helpful, especially on long solo runs. Plus, it's got a more straightforward UI than Strava. Never tried MapMyRun, but I've heard it's pretty similar to Strava. If you're looking for something different, Runkeeper's worth a shot.

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