

50 days ago

Half marathon goal pace - realistic or not?

I've been running for a few years now and I'm trying to get under 1:30 in a half marathon. Is this a realistic goal for an intermediate runner like me? I've been doing 3-4 runs a week, with one longer run on the weekends. I've been stuck at around 1:35 for a while now. What do I need to change to shave off those 5 minutes?



50 days ago

You're close, but you need to step up your speed work and incorporate more tempo runs. 3-4 runs a week isn't enough to see significant improvement. Consider adding an extra run or swapping one easy run for a strength training session.


50 days ago

Tempo runs won't get you there, bro. You need to be doing legit interval work and hill repeats to drop 5 minutes.


50 days ago

I'm with CrazyRacer458 on this one. You're knocking on the door of sub-1:30, but you need to shock your system with some new stimuli. Adding an extra run or swapping an easy run for strength training will definitely help. Don't forget to also focus on your nutrition and recovery - those 5 minutes can be shaved off with a combination of smart training and smart fueling.


50 days ago

Honestly, you're not gonna shave off 5 minutes by just doing the same old thing. You need to mix it up, try some speedwork, hill repeats, that kinda stuff. And yeah, 1:30 might be a stretch, but hey, aim high, right? You'll figure it out.


50 days ago

Aim high? You think 1:30 is just gonna magically happen? You need a solid plan, not just 'try some speedwork'. What's your current 5k and 10k pace? That'll give us a better idea of what you're working with.


50 days ago

You need to increase your weekly mileage, period.


50 days ago

I'd say it's a tough but doable goal. Increasing mileage will definitely help, but don't forget to incorporate speed workouts and hill repeats to improve your running efficiency. Also, make sure you're not neglecting rest and recovery days - they're crucial for your body to adapt to the demands you're placing on it.


50 days ago

You're close! Focus on speedwork and incorporate interval training to boost your pace. Also, try to increase your weekly mileage by 10-15% to build endurance. You got this!

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