

7 days ago

How Did You Get Hooked on Running

What's the story behind your running journey? Was it a New Year's resolution, a health scare, or a friend who dragged you out for a jog? I'm curious to hear about the moment that got you hooked on running. For me, it was a charity 5k that sparked a passion that's still going strong today.


For me, it was a way to clear my head during a tough time. I was going through a rough breakup and needed something to take my mind off things. A friend suggested we go for a run together, and I was hooked from that first painful 3-miler. It's been 5 years now, and it's still my go-to stress relief. Not exactly a romantic story, but it worked for me!


7 days ago

Love that story, running as therapy is the best!


7 days ago

Running as stress relief is a great way to get hooked. Works for me too!


7 days ago

Mine was a 'I need to get in shape for a hiking trip' thing. Started with short jogs and gradually increased distance. Never thought I'd stick to it, but here I am, 10 years later, still lacing up my shoes every morning.


7 days ago

That's awesome! I also started running for a specific goal, to get in shape for a sports tournament. But once I started seeing progress and feeling the rush of endorphins, I was hooked. Now it's not just about the goal, but about the journey itself. Congrats on 10 years of consistent running, that's no easy feat!


7 days ago

Similar story here. I started running to get in shape for a triathlon. Never thought I'd enjoy it, but it became a habit. Been doing it for years now, and it's still a necessary evil to clear my head. Don't know what I'd do without it, but sometimes I wish I could.

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