

56 days ago

How do you deal with pre-race anxiety?

I've been racing for a while now, but I still get pretty nervous before a big event. Anyone have any tips on how to calm the nerves and get in the right mindset? I've tried visualization, but it doesn't seem to do much for me. Thanks in advance for any advice.



56 days ago

I used to get pretty anxious before races too. What helped me was focusing on my breathing and going through a consistent pre-race routine. It could be as simple as listening to the same song or doing some light stretching. It helps distract you from the nerves and gets you in a familiar mindset.


56 days ago

Ditch the visualization, focus on your training, and remember you're as prepared as you're gonna be. It's just a race, bro.


56 days ago

That's a great point about focusing on training! Have you also tried making a pre-race routine to distract yourself from nerves?


56 days ago

Yeah, visualization is overrated. What works for me is to focus on my breathing and remind myself that I've put in the work. You're not gonna magically get faster or more prepared in the hour before the race. Just chill, get your gear ready, and get to the start line.


56 days ago

For me, it's all about focusing on my breathing and reminding myself that I've put in the training. You got this!


56 days ago

I feel you, I get those pre-race jitters too. For me, it's all about focusing on what I can control - my prep, my training, my breathing. I remind myself that I've put in the work and I'm ready. Also, try to focus on the excitement of the race instead of the anxiety. You're about to do something awesome! Good luck with your next race.

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