

44 days ago

How Do You Fix a Heel Strike?

Hey fellow runners, I've been trying to focus on midfoot striking but I keep defaulting to heel striking. Any tips on how to break the habit?



44 days ago

I totally get it! It takes time and practice to adjust your form. Try shortening your stride and focusing on quick turnover. Also, try running barefoot or in minimalist shoes to help you develop a more natural stride. It's all about patience and persistence, you got this!


44 days ago

I used to have the same issue. What worked for me was to focus on my posture and cadence. Try to keep your head up, engage your core, and aim for a higher stride rate. It takes time and practice, but it's worth it. Don't be too hard on yourself if you don't get it right away.


44 days ago

Love the advice about not being too hard on yourself! It's all about progress, not perfection. I've found that running barefoot or in minimalist shoes helps me naturally shift to a midfoot strike. Worth a try, but remember to transition slowly to avoid injuries.


44 days ago

Practice short strides, focus on quick turnover.


44 days ago

Also, try to land softly, imagine you're running on hot coals. This will help you to avoid heavy heel striking.


44 days ago

Try running barefoot or in minimalist shoes too.


44 days ago

Try shortening your stride and focusing on quick turnover. It's all about cadence, my friend! You got this.

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