

47 days ago

How do you guys actually measure stride length?

I've seen a bunch of posts talking about increasing stride length for better efficiency, but how do you actually measure it? Is it even worth tracking?



47 days ago

Honestly, I've always thought measuring stride length is a bit overhyped. It's not like it's a super accurate metric anyway. I mean, who's got the time to count every step during a run? And what's the point of tracking it if you're not gonna change your form drastically? Just focus on proper form and consistency, and the rest will fall into place.


47 days ago

I agree, measuring stride length can be a bit of a hassle. I've tried using a GPS watch to estimate it, but it's not always accurate. Instead, I focus on increasing my cadence and maintaining good posture, which has helped me become a more efficient runner. Consistency and proper form are key, like you said.


47 days ago

I use a GPS watch that estimates stride length based on my cadence and pace. It's not always 100% accurate, but it gives me a general idea. I also pay attention to my foot strike and try to focus on quick turnover. Not sure if it's worth tracking for everyone, but it's helped me improve my form and efficiency.


47 days ago

GPS watches can be wonky, and foot strike's not the same as stride length. If you wanna track it, get a good ol' fashioned tape measure and do it the hard way. Anything else is just an estimate.

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