

7 days ago

How Much Sleep Do You Actually Need?

I've been trying to get at least 7 hours of sleep every night, but I'm not sure if it's making a difference in my recovery. Anyone else struggle with getting enough rest? Do you find that you need more sleep on hard training days or is it all just a myth? How do you prioritize sleep in your training schedule?



7 days ago

Sleep is key, but I don't think 7 hours is some magic number. I aim for 6-7, but it's quality over quantity for me. If I'm getting good sleep, I can recover fine. Prioritizing sleep is just about making it a habit, like brushing your teeth.


7 days ago

I'm a 7-8 hour sleeper, but I'm not gonna lie, it's not always easy. I've got a job, a life, and a training schedule to juggle. That being said, I do notice a difference on hard training days when I get a full night's rest. It's not just about the hours, it's about consistency. If you can make sleep a priority, you'll feel the difference.


7 days ago

Consistency is key, I completely agree. I aim for 7-8 hours too, and I've noticed that even one night of poor sleep can affect my performance. It's tough to balance everything, but making sleep a priority is crucial. I try to establish a bedtime routine to signal to my body that it's time to wind down. It's not always easy, but it's worth it in the end.


7 days ago

Consistency is key, I agree. I aim for 7-8 hours too, but it's not always possible. On hard training days, I do feel the difference when I get a full night's rest. It's not just about the quantity, but also the quality of sleep. Prioritizing sleep is tough, but it's worth it.


7 days ago

I'm a 6-hour sleeper and I'm still alive, but I do try to get an extra hour on heavy training days. It's all about listening to your body, right?

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