

5 hours ago

Running Buddies vs Solo Runs

I've been running with a group for a while now, but I've been thinking about going solo again. What are your thoughts on running with a buddy vs flying solo? Do you prefer the accountability and social aspect of group runs or the freedom and introspection of solo runs? Share your experiences!



4 hours ago

I've done both and I think it depends on the day. Some days I need the motivation of a buddy to push me, but other days I just want to zone out and not have to worry about anyone else's pace. Solo runs can be great for clearing your head, but it's nice to have someone to chat with on a long run. Guess it's all about balance.


4 hours ago

I'm a mix of both, but lately, I've been enjoying solo runs more. There's something about being alone with my thoughts that helps me set goals and reflect on my progress. Plus, I can go at my own pace without feeling like I'm holding someone back. That being said, it's nice to have a buddy for long runs or when you need an extra push.


4 hours ago

I'm with you on that. Solo runs are great for introspection and setting goals. I've found that I'm more focused and can push myself harder when I'm alone. But, having a buddy for long runs or tough days can be a big motivator. It's all about finding a balance that works for you.


3 hours ago

I'm with you on that, solo runs can be really beneficial for setting goals and reflecting on progress. I've had some great solo runs where I've been able to focus on my own pace and technique.

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