

2 hours ago

Is Running Culture Getting Too Commercialized

I've been noticing lately that running is becoming more and more about the gear, the brands, and the Instagram posts rather than the actual running itself. Don't get me wrong, I love a good pair of running shoes as much as the next guy, but it feels like the community is shifting towards a 'look at me' mentality rather than a 'let's get out there and crush some miles' one. Am I just being cynical or is anyone else feeling this way? Is the commercialization of running culture taking away from the sport's true essence?



1 hour ago

I think it's a mix of both. While gear and brands can be fun, it's the community and the running itself that keeps me going. I try to focus on my own progress and goals, rather than comparing myself to others on social media. Let's keep it real and remember why we started running in the first place.


53 minutes ago

You're right, it's about finding a balance. I too focus on my own progress and goals, rather than getting caught up in the commercial side of things. At the end of the day, it's about putting in the work and enjoying the run, not just the gear and the Gram.


1 hour ago

Good point, focusing on personal progress helps to stay grounded.


2 hours ago

Couldn't agree more. I'm so tired of seeing people post about their new kicks or fancy watches instead of their actual runs. It's like, yeah, gear is cool, but it's not what gets you out the door at 5am. Let's focus on the sweat, not the selfies.


1 hour ago

Exactly, it's all about the vanity now. People care more about looking like runners than actually putting in the work.


1 hour ago

You're spot on. It's not about the gear, it's about the run. I've seen people spending more time taking photos of their outfit than actually running. Let's get back to basics and focus on the sport itself, not the accessories that come with it.

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