

1 hour ago

What Can Your ‘Training Load’ Tell You About Your Fitness?



1 hour ago

I've been using training load on my Garmin too, and it's helpful to see the data. But let's be real, it's not like it's telling us anything we don't already know. If you're feeling exhausted, you're probably overreaching. It's just a tool, not a substitute for common sense.


1 hour ago

Exactly, it's just a tool, not a magic solution.


1 hour ago

Training load is just a bunch of numbers if you don't know how to use them. I've seen people obsess over it, but at the end of the day, it's just a guideline. You still need to know your own body and listen to it. It's not a magic formula for avoiding burnout.


1 hour ago

Training load is just a fancy way of saying 'you're getting tired'. I mean, who needs an app to tell them that? But I guess it's cool to see the numbers behind it. I've been using Garmin's training load feature and it's been pretty accurate. Still, at the end of the day, it's all about listening to your body and not overdoing it.


1 hour ago

Data's nice, but it's not a substitute for experience and intuition. I've learned to trust my body more than any app or watch.


49 minutes ago

Ain't that the truth. Too much reliance on tech can make you soft.

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