

52 days ago

IT Band Syndrome: Causes and Prevention Strategies?

Has anyone experienced IT band syndrome? What worked for you in terms of prevention and recovery? Looking for some practical advice.



52 days ago

ITBS is no joke! I've had my share of struggles with it. Prevention-wise, I've found that strengthening my glutes and hips has made a huge difference. Also, make sure to replace your shoes regularly and don't increase your mileage too quickly. As for recovery, foam rolling and self-myofascial release have been lifesavers for me.


52 days ago

Thanks for sharing your experience! I totally agree on the importance of strengthening the glutes and hips. I've also found that incorporating lateral leg lifts into my routine has helped reduce my ITBS symptoms.


52 days ago

Foam rolling and stretching helped me a bit.

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