

36 days ago

ITBS: Anyone else just dealing with it?

I've had IT band syndrome for months now and I'm just kinda... living with it. I've tried stretching, foam rolling, new shoes, all that jazz. It still hurts. Anyone else just accepting that it's part of the deal and running through it? Or am I just being a wimp?



36 days ago

Yeah, I've had ITBS on and off for years. It's a real pain. I've found that strengthening my glutes and hips helps more than stretching and foam rolling. But, no, you're not a wimp. It's just part of the game. You're not alone.


36 days ago

Newsflash: ITBS is not part of the deal. It's a sign you're doing something wrong. I'd re-examine your form, stride, and training plan. Running through it can lead to worse injuries. You're not a wimp, but you might be a tad lazy.


36 days ago

Form and stride are fine, thanks. Maybe it's just overuse. Been increasing mileage too quickly.


36 days ago

I'm a beginner and had ITBS too. Tried stretching and foam rolling, it helped a bit. Still hurts, but I'm learning to manage it.

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