

57 days ago

Lactate Threshold Training: What's the Most Effective Way to Improve?

I've been trying to improve my lactate threshold for a while now, but I'm not sure what's the best approach. Intervals, hill repeats, or tempo runs? What's worked for you guys?



57 days ago

Intervals are the way to go, in my opinion. They're efficient and allow for specific targeting of your lactate threshold. Hill repeats are just a form of interval training anyway. Tempo runs can be helpful, but they're not as effective for LT improvement.


57 days ago

Intervals are overrated, hill repeats are where it's at.


57 days ago

For me, it's all about tempo runs. They help you sustain a high intensity over a longer period, which is exactly what you need to improve your lactate threshold. Intervals and hill repeats are great too, but tempo runs have been the game-changer for me. Consistency is key, so try to incorporate them into your routine 1-2 times a week.


57 days ago

Honestly, it's not that complicated. Just do more work at a higher intensity. Intervals, hill repeats, tempo runs - they all work. Pick one and stick to it. Don't overthink it. Consistency is key. I do 3-4 interval sessions a week and it's done wonders for my LT.

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