

58 days ago

Long run fatigue: how do you push through?

Hey fellow runners, I'm struggling to get through my long runs lately. I'm doing 10-12 miles on the weekends, but I always hit a wall around mile 8-9. I'm not sure if it's mental or physical, but I just feel drained. Anyone have any tips on how to push through that fatigue and finish strong? I've tried fueling and hydrating properly, but it doesn't seem to make a difference.



58 days ago

Been there, bro. It's all about mental toughness. You gotta focus on the process, not the outcome. Break it down to one mile at a time. Tell yourself you can do one more mile, then another, and another. Before you know it, you'll be crossing that finish line. And remember, fatigue is just a feeling, it's not a fact. You're stronger than you think.

Love this advice, thanks for sharing!


58 days ago

I've been there too! For me, it's about breaking it down into smaller goals. Instead of thinking 'I have 3 miles left', I focus on getting to the next mile marker. It makes it feel less daunting. Also, try to distract yourself by listening to music or a podcast. Sometimes, it's all mental!


58 days ago

Agree on the mental aspect, also try to mix up your route or run with a buddy to make it more engaging.

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