

12 hours ago

Long Run Fueling Fails

What's the worst fueling mistake you've made on a long run? I once ran out of gels and had to finish 5 miles on fumes. Never. Again. What's your horror story? How do you avoid fueling disasters on your long runs?



12 hours ago

I've had my fair share of fueling fails, but one that stands out is when I miscalculated my hydration needs and ended up severely dehydrated at mile 18. It was a nightmare. Now, I make sure to carry a hydration pack and take regular sips to avoid dehydration. It's all about learning from your mistakes and being prepared! 💧


11 hours ago

Dehydration is the worst. I once did a 20-miler without enough water and paid the price. Now I carry a handheld bottle and aim to drink at least 10oz every 5 miles.


12 hours ago

I once tried to eat a sandwich during a long run. Let's just say it didn't agree with me. Now I stick to tried and true fuels like gels and chews. I also make sure to practice my fueling strategy during shorter runs to avoid any surprises on long runs.


11 hours ago

Sandwich during a run? That's just asking for trouble. I've had my share of fueling fails too, but I've learned to keep it simple and stick to what works. Gels and water are my go-to's. No need to get fancy on a long run.


12 hours ago

Haha, a sandwich during a run? That's bold. I've had my share of fueling mistakes too. I once tried a new gel flavor on a long run without testing it beforehand. Let's just say it was a bad idea. Now I always test my fuels on shorter runs before using them on long ones. It's all about finding what works for you and sticking to it.

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