

19 hours ago

Post-run recovery: foam rolling or stretching?

So I've been trying to get into a post-run recovery routine, but I'm not sure what's more effective - foam rolling or stretching? I've heard pros and cons for both, but I'd love to hear from you guys. What do you swear by? Do you do both? Help a beginner out!



18 hours ago

I do both, but if I had to choose, I'd say foam rolling is more important for me. It helps loosen up my IT band and calves, which get tight after long runs. Stretching is good too, but I feel like foam rolling gets deeper into the muscle. Give it a try and see what works for you!


18 hours ago

I'm with you on that, foam rolling has been a game-changer for my recovery. It's helped reduce muscle soreness and improve my overall flexibility. I still stretch too, but foam rolling feels like it gets deeper into the muscle like you said. Definitely worth trying out and seeing what works best for you.


18 hours ago

I'm a foam roller guy myself. It's not the most pleasant experience, but it gets the job done. I've found it helps reduce muscle soreness, especially in my legs. Stretching is okay, but it's not as effective for me. Maybe it's just my old bones, but foam rolling is where it's at.


18 hours ago

I do both, but if I had to choose, foam rolling is more effective for me too.

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