

8 days ago

Long Run Pacing: Do You Go Out Too Fast?

I've noticed a lot of runners, even experienced ones, tend to start their long runs at a pace that's way too aggressive. I'm guilty of it too. But does it really matter? Do you guys try to pace yourself evenly throughout the run or do you just go out and see how long you can hold on? Is there a benefit to starting slow and building up, or is it all just mental?



8 days ago

I'm definitely one of those guys who goes out too fast on long runs. I've learned the hard way that it's a recipe for disaster. Now, I try to start slow and build up, but it's tough when you're feeling good. I think it's a mix of both physical and mental benefits - you conserve energy and mentally, you don't get discouraged when you hit the wall.


8 days ago

I'm with you on that. I've also learned to start slow and build up my pace. It's hard to resist the urge to go out fast when you're feeling good, but it's better to conserve energy and avoid hitting the wall.


8 days ago

Couldn't agree more. I've blown up on too many long runs by going out too fast. Now, I try to start at a conversational pace and gradually increase my speed. It's all about discipline and patience, but it pays off in the end.


8 days ago

I used to be an offender of going out too fast on long runs, but after bonking a few times, I learned my lesson. Now, I try to start at a conversational pace and gradually increase my speed as I warm up. It's not about being slow, it's about being smart. You can always pick it up later in the run, but you can't get back the energy you waste in the first few miles.

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