

9 days ago

Marathon Training Reality Check

Let's get real, folks. Marathon training isn't all sunshine and rainbows. It's early morning wake-up calls, endless miles, and sacrificing your social life. Am I right? I'm currently in the midst of training for my third marathon and I'm feeling the struggle. Who else is with me? What's the most challenging part of your training cycle so far? For me, it's finding the motivation to do those long, slow runs on the weekends. Ugh.



9 days ago

Preach! I'm on week 10 of my training plan and I'm already feeling like a hermit. Don't even get me started on those long runs. I've taken to bribing myself with coffee and pancakes afterwards just to get out the door. Anyone else have to resort to ridiculous rewards just to make it through?


9 days ago

Haha, coffee and pancakes are a great motivator! I'm also guilty of bribing myself with post-run treats. It's amazing how something as simple as a good cup of coffee can make a 20-miler feel slightly more manageable. What's your go-to post-run reward?

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