

20 days ago

Mental Toughness

As an intermediate runner, I've come to realize that mental toughness is just as important as physical training. But how do you develop it? I've found that positive self-talk and visualization techniques help me push through tough moments during a run. But I'm curious, what strategies do you use to build mental resilience? Do you have any favorite mantras or pre-run rituals that help you stay focused and motivated?



20 days ago

Mental toughness is everything. For me, it's about embracing the suck. When it gets tough, I remind myself that it's supposed to be hard. I also try to focus on the present moment, instead of worrying about the miles ahead. And yeah, a good ol' fashioned 'hurt me now' mantra never hurts either.


20 days ago

I'm not big on mantras or rituals, but I do think mental toughness is key. For me, it's about accepting that it's okay to have bad runs and not getting too hung up on them. It's also about setting realistic goals and reminding myself that I've put in the work. If all else fails, I just try to focus on putting one foot in front of the other.


20 days ago

I like your approach. Accepting bad runs and focusing on the process rather than the outcome is crucial. I've also found that breaking down a run into smaller, manageable chunks helps me stay focused. It's not about being motivated all the time, it's about being consistent and persistent.

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