

59 days ago

Mental toughness: how do you deal with demoralizing races?

Had a terrible race last weekend. Felt like I was moving backwards. It's not the first time, won't be the last. What's your strategy for bouncing back from a demoralizing performance? Do you dwell on it, or do you just forget about it and move on? Looking for some no-BS advice from people who've been there.



59 days ago

Get over it, champ. You had a bad day. It happens. Move on, don't dwell.


59 days ago

You're not special, everyone has bad races, move on.


59 days ago

Honestly, I just try to forget about it and move on. Dwelling on a bad race just makes you more miserable. Focus on the next one and what you can improve. And yeah, sometimes it's just a bad day, it happens.


59 days ago

I focus on what I can control - my training, nutrition, and recovery. Dwelling on a bad race only leads to negativity. Instead, I identify what went wrong and make adjustments for the next one. It's all about progress, not perfection.


59 days ago

Agree, dwelling on it only makes it worse. But let's be real, it's hard to just 'ove on' when you've put in months of work and it all goes to crap. I think it's okay to feel the emotions, acknowledge the suck, and then get back to work. Bottling it up doesn't help either.

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