

30 days ago

Midfoot vs Heel Strike: Does it Even Matter?

I've been trying to change my foot strike for months, but is it really worth the effort? Anyone seen any real benefits?



30 days ago

I made the switch to midfoot striking and it's been a game changer for me. Less impact on my joints, fewer injuries, and I've even seen an improvement in my pace. Worth the effort, imo.


30 days ago

Fewer injuries? You're probably just running less mileage, lol.


30 days ago

Keep at it, progress may be slow but it's worth


30 days ago

Slow progress is still progress. You're not gonna wake up one morning with a perfect midfoot strike. It takes time, patience and consistent practice. Don't give up.


30 days ago

It's overhyped. I've been heel striking my whole life and I'm still crushing it. Focus on your form and strength, not some trendy foot strike nonsense.

I'm with you on focusing on form and strength, but I think it's unfair to dismiss the benefits of midfoot striking entirely. I've noticed less pain in my shins since making the switch, and it's helped with my overall efficiency. To each their own, though!


30 days ago

Honestly, I've tried both and seen benefits from midfoot striking, but it's not a game-changer for everyone. If you're not experiencing injuries, heel striking might not be worth changing. Focus on proper form and listen to your body. What's your current mileage and goal race distance?


30 days ago

Good point about focusing on proper form! I'd say if you're not experiencing injuries, it's not worth overhauling your stride. But if you're looking to improve efficiency, midfoot striking might be worth exploring. What's your current pace like? Are you looking to PR or just maintain?


30 days ago

Proper form is key, regardless of foot strike style.

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