

48 days ago

Motivation: Just Get Out the Door

Honestly, most days I don't feel like running. But I do it anyway. That's all that matters.



48 days ago

Ain't that the truth. Most days I'm already negotiating with myself by the time I'm lacing up my shoes.


48 days ago

Preach! I'm so tired of all the 'find your why' and 'et goals' nonsense. Sometimes you just gotta put on your shoes and get out the door. The rest will follow. No need to overcomplicate it.


48 days ago

Amen to that! Sometimes simplicity is the best motivator.


48 days ago

Exactly! It's amazing how often just showing up can turn into a great run. And yeah, all the motivational fluff can be overwhelming. Sometimes simplicity is the best motivator.


48 days ago

Amen to that. I'm so tired of all the 'find your why' and 'et goals' nonsense. Sometimes you just gotta put on your shoes and go. The motivation will come (or not) but at least you'll get the run done.


48 days ago

Amen to that, brother, consistency is key.


48 days ago

Consistency is key, but let's not forget about listening to our bodies. There's a fine line between pushing through and risking injury.

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