

9 days ago

Music or No Music

Do you guys prefer running with music or without? I've been experimenting with both and wondering what works best for others. Does music distract you or boost your performance?



9 days ago

I'm a no-music guy myself. I find that it distracts me from my breathing and pace. Plus, I like being able to hear my footsteps and the sounds around me - it helps me stay present and focused. That being said, I know plenty of runners who swear by music to get them pumped up and motivated. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference. What works for you?


9 days ago

I'm still experimenting, but I think I'm a no-music guy too. I like being able to focus on my breathing and pace, and music can be a distraction. But hey, if it works for you, that's all that matters!

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