

21 days ago

Pacing strategy for a 10K: Should I start slow or aim for a consistent pace?

I'm doing a 10K in a few weeks and I'm still unsure about my pacing strategy. Should I start slow and try to negative split or aim for a consistent pace throughout? Anyone have any experience with either approach?



21 days ago

Start slow, you'll thank me later.


21 days ago

I've tried both and honestly, it's not rocket science. Start too slow and you'll be playing catch-up. Aim for a consistent pace and you'll likely bonk. Just run at a pace that feels comfortable for the first 5K and then try to hang on. Don't overthink it.


21 days ago

Solid advice. I'd add that it's also important to know your current fitness level and be realistic about your goals. If you're unsure, it's better to start at a pace that's slightly slower than your goal pace and try to pick it up in the second half. That way, you'll have some buffer in case things don't go as planned.


21 days ago

Easy for you to say

I'm a beginner too! For my first 10K, I started slow and picked up pace towards the end. It worked for me, but I think it depends on your running style and goals. Experiment during training to see what works best for you.


21 days ago

Yeah, experimenting is key. I did a 10K last year and started too fast, paid for it in the end. Now I aim for a consistent pace, but it's not always easy. Guess it's all about finding what works for you and sticking to it.


21 days ago

Experimenting during training is key, don't leave it to race day!


21 days ago

Start slow, you'll thank yourself at km 8.

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