

33 days ago

Pilates for runners: is it worth the hype?

Hey fellow runners, I've been hearing a lot about pilates lately and how it can help with running performance and injury prevention. Has anyone here tried incorporating pilates into their training routine? Is it worth the time and money? I'm curious to know if it's made a noticeable difference for you. I'm a beginner runner and I'm looking for ways to improve my running efficiency and reduce my risk of injury. Any feedback would be appreciated.



33 days ago

Pilates is just a fancy way of saying 'core strength'. You can get the same benefits from a few sets of planks and crunches. Don't waste your money on fancy classes.


33 days ago

Pilates isn't a magic bullet for runners. I've tried it, and honestly, it's just a fancy way of saying 'core strengthening exercises'. You can get the same benefits from bodyweight exercises at home. Save your money and focus on building your mileage.


33 days ago

I see both sides. As a beginner, I've found that pilates has helped me with my posture and balance. It may not be a game-changer, but every little bit helps. I do agree that bodyweight exercises can be just as effective, though.

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