

14 days ago

Plantar fasciitis woes - what's worked for you?

I've been dealing with plantar fasciitis for a few months now and I'm getting frustrated. I've tried rest, ice, and stretching, but it's still lingering. Has anyone else had success with other treatments like orthotics, night splints, or physical therapy? What worked for you? I'm willing to try anything at this point.



14 days ago

Night splints helped me, worth a shot.


14 days ago

Yeah, night splints are def worth a try! Did you also try changing your running shoes or insoles? That made a big difference for me.


14 days ago

Night splints, huh? I've heard mixed reviews about those. I've been considering them myself, but I'm not convinced they're worth the investment. Did you do any other treatments concurrently or was it just the splints that did the trick for you? I'm skeptical, but willing to listen.


14 days ago

Night splints were a game-changer for me, worth a shot!


14 days ago

Glad to hear that! I've heard mixed reviews on night splints, but it's good to know they worked for someone.


14 days ago

Night splints are a band-aid solution. You need to address the root cause of your PF, which is probably your weak ankles and poor running form. Strengthen your ankles and focus on midfoot striking, then you can ditch the night splints.

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