

28 days ago

Runner's High: Fact or Fiction?

So I've been running consistently for a few months now, and I'm still waiting for this mythical 'runner's high' everyone talks about. Is it just a myth or am I doing something wrong? Anyone else not experiencing this supposed euphoria?



28 days ago

Dunno what you're expecting, but it's not a guaranteed euphoria. Sometimes you'll feel good, sometimes you won't. Maybe you're just not running far enough or fast enough. I mean, I've had some decent runs, but it's not like I'm hooked on it or anything. Just run and stop expecting a high, I guess.


28 days ago

Consistency is key, not intensity.


28 days ago

You're not wrong, but it's not that simple. I've had my fair share of highs and lows. It's not just about running far or fast, it's about pushing yourself and finding that sweet spot. Maybe OP just needs to mix it up and find what works for them.


28 days ago

I'm a beginner too, never experienced it, and I'm doing just fine without it.


28 days ago

Lol, 'ythical'? You're not even breaking a sweat yet, kiddo. Runner's high is real, but you gotta put in the work. I'm talking 50+ miles a week, not your casual 3-mile jog around the block. Get back to me when you've actually pushed yourself.


28 days ago

I've been running for a few months too and yeah, I don't get this 'high' everyone's on about. I feel great after a run, don't get me wrong, but it's not like I'm walking on clouds or anything. Maybe it's just overhyped? Or maybe we're just not running far enough?


28 days ago

I've been running for years and honestly, I think it's a bit of both. Yeah, it's nice to feel accomplished after a run, but this 'high' thing is probably just something people say to make themselves feel better about voluntarily waking up at 5am to pound the pavement. I mean, I've had some great runs, but I've never felt like I'm on top of the world or anything.


28 days ago

I think it's a bit of both. I've had some amazing runs where I felt like I was on top of the world, but most of the time it's just a solid feeling of accomplishment. Maybe our expectations are just too high. I mean, it's not like we're getting a dopamine rush from scrolling through social media or something.

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