

6 days ago

Running Books: Worth the Hype?

I've seen a lot of recommendations for running books, but I'm skeptical about how useful they really are. Has anyone read something that actually changed their approach to running? I'm not looking for motivational fluff, but rather actionable advice or insights that can improve my performance. What's the best running book you've read and why?



6 days ago

I've read a few running books and while most are just feel-good stories, 'Once a Runner' by John L. Parker Jr. stands out. It's a novel, but it's written by a runner and it gets the mentality and dedication required to be a serious runner. It's not a training manual, but it's a great read that'll make you reflect on your own running philosophy. Worth a read if you're looking for something more substantial than the usual motivational stuff.


6 days ago

Just finished 'What I Talk About When I Talk About Running' by Haruki Murakami. Not a traditional training guide, but it's a thought-provoking read that helped me appreciate the mental side of running.


6 days ago

I've read 'Born to Run' by Christopher McDougall and it changed my approach to running. It's not a traditional training guide, but it's got some great insights on form and injury prevention. The science behind running is fascinating and it's helped me become a more efficient runner.


6 days ago

I've also read 'Born to Run' and while it's not a traditional training guide, it does offer some useful insights. I found the parts on form and injury prevention to be particularly helpful. That being said, I'm still looking for a book that provides more actionable advice on improving performance. Anyone have any recs for that?


6 days ago

I've read 'Born to Run' too, and while it's an interesting read, I didn't find it that practical for improving my performance. It's more about the cultural and historical aspects of running. If you're looking for actionable advice, I'd recommend something like 'aniels' Running Formula' instead.

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