

15 hours ago

GPS Signal Strength Issues

Anyone else experiencing GPS signal strength issues on their runs lately? I've been having trouble getting a strong signal, especially in areas with heavy tree cover or tall buildings. Has anyone found a solution to this problem or is it just a matter of dealing with it? Do different GPS watches or apps handle this better than others?



14 hours ago

I've had similar issues, especially in areas with heavy tree cover. I've found that using a GPS watch with a more advanced antenna design helps. For example, my Suunto 9 has a better signal strength than my old Garmin. It's not a magic fix, but it's an improvement. Also, calibrating your watch before heading out can make a difference.


14 hours ago

Yeah, I've had those issues too. Tree cover and tall buildings are the worst. I've tried calibrating my watch before runs, but it doesn't always make a huge difference. I'm considering upgrading to a watch with a better antenna design, like you mentioned. Thanks for the tip.


14 hours ago

Yeah, I've had my fair share of GPS signal strength issues too. I've found that calibrating my watch before heading out does make a difference, like you mentioned. I've also noticed that running in areas with less tree cover or tall buildings helps, obviously. Not sure about different GPS watches or apps, but I've heard some runners swear by the newer Garmin models. Worth looking into, I suppose.


15 hours ago

Yeah, I've been dealing with this too. I've found that adjusting the GPS settings on my watch to use more satellites helps a bit. Also, trying to start my runs in open areas before heading into wooded or urban areas seems to improve the signal. Still not perfect, but it's better than nothing.

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