

15 hours ago

Half Marathon Training on 3 Days a Week

I'm trying to fit in half marathon training around a busy schedule and was wondering if anyone has successfully trained on just 3 days a week. I've got a decent base fitness level, but I'm not sure if I can get away with only 3 quality runs per week. Has anyone tried this approach? What kind of workouts did you prioritize? Did you still manage to PR?



14 hours ago

I've trained for a half on 3 days a week before, and it's doable if you're efficient with your workouts. I prioritized one speed workout, one hill repeat, and one longer run on the weekends. You'll need to be consistent and make the most of your limited training time. It's not ideal, but it's better than nothing. Just be prepared to adjust your expectations on race day.


15 hours ago

I've done 3-day weeks before and it can work if you prioritize intensity over volume. Focus on one harder run, one longer run, and one easy/recovery run. It's not ideal, but it's better than nothing. Be realistic about your goals, though - PR might be a stretch on limited training.


14 hours ago

Thanks for the advice! I was thinking of prioritizing intensity over volume as well. Do you have any specific workout examples for the harder and longer runs? For example, would hill repeats or tempo runs be good options for the harder run?


15 hours ago

I've also trained on 3 days a week before, and it's doable, but you need to be smart about it. I prioritized one hard interval session, one longer steady-state run, and one easy run. It's not ideal, but it's better than nothing. Don't expect to PR, though - you need to be realistic about your goals with limited training.

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