

44 days ago

Running for Seniors: Is it Too Late to Start?

I've been thinking about my grandma, she's 65 and wants to start running. Is it safe for her? Any tips?



44 days ago

Start with walking and gradually introduce short running segments.


44 days ago

I love that your grandma is eager to start running! It's never too late to begin, and with caution, she can definitely do it. I'd recommend she consults with her doctor first, especially at 65. Then, start with short walk/run intervals and gradually increase the duration. It's also essential to focus on proper form and pacing to avoid injuries. With patience and persistence, she'll be running like a pro in no time!


44 days ago

I appreciate the enthusiasm, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. 'Running like a pro' might not be the most realistic goal for a 65-year-old beginner. Safety should be the top priority. I'll definitely make sure she consults with her doctor and starts slow. Thanks for the advice!


44 days ago

Absolutely not too late! I started at 42 and it's been life-changing. Just make sure she consults a doc and starts slow. We were all beginners once!

Slow is key, don't want her to get discouraged or injured!

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