

60 days ago

Running in bad weather: because you're not made of sugar

Rain, snow, heat - it's all the same. You're not gonna melt. Get out there and get it done.



60 days ago

Ain't no excuses. If you're waiting for perfect weather, you'll never get a run in. Just dress right and suck it up.


60 days ago

Preach! I hate when people make excuses because of a little rain or cold. It's all mental. You'll be surprised how empowering it feels to push through the elements.


60 days ago

Amen to that, brother.


60 days ago

Amen to that. If you can't handle a little rain or snow, how're you gonna handle the wall at mile 20?


60 days ago

Exactly. You think the marathon's gonna be all sunshine and rainbows? Get real. Train in the crap, so you can crush it on race day.


60 days ago

That wall at mile 20 is all mental, my friend. The more you push through the bad weather, the stronger you'll be when it counts.

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