

36 days ago

Running with Music: Do You Make Playlists or Go with Radio?

I've been running with music for a while now and I'm curious about how others approach it. Do you create playlists specifically for your runs or do you prefer to listen to the radio/streaming services? I've found that playlists can get stale after a while, but radio can be hit or miss. How do you keep your music fresh and motivating during long runs?



36 days ago

I'm a playlist person too, but I take a more laid-back approach. I have one playlist that's just a mix of my favorite songs and I add to it every now and then. I don't bother with specific playlists for different types of runs, I just hit shuffle and go. It's not about the music being tailored to my pace, it's about the energy and vibe it gives me.


36 days ago

I'm a playlist person as well. I like to create playlists for different types of runs, like easy runs or tempo runs. It helps me get in the right mindset and pace. But I do agree, it can get stale after a while. I try to update my playlists every few weeks to keep things fresh. What kind of songs do you usually add to your playlist? Are they mostly upbeat or do you like a mix of genres?


36 days ago

I'm a playlist kind of girl. I create playlists for different types of runs, like easy jog or tempo run. It helps me get in the right mindset and pace. I update my playlists every few weeks to keep things fresh. Sometimes I'll add a new song or two, or swap out old ones that are getting stale. It's all about finding that right balance to keep me moving!

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