

52 days ago

Shoe Rotation: Am I the Only One Who Finds It a Pain?

So I've been trying to rotate my shoes to make them last longer, but honestly, it's a hassle. I have to keep track of which ones I wore last, and it's hard to remember which pair feels better on a particular day. Is anyone else out there struggling with this? Or am I just being lazy?



52 days ago

I use a simple spreadsheet to keep track of my shoes.


52 days ago

Spreadsheet? You're a genius! I was using a whiteboard on my fridge, but that's way more efficient. Thanks for the tip!


52 days ago

A spreadsheet? That's a bit much for me. I'm trying to simplify my running routine, not add more admin tasks. I just try to alternate between two pairs and hope for the best. It's not rocket science, right?


52 days ago

Same here! I just throw them in a pile and grab the least smelly ones


52 days ago

Haha, I'm guilty of that too! Sometimes I just wanna grab the first pair I see and go. But I guess it's worth the extra effort to make them last longer. Do you find that certain shoes are better for certain routes or weather conditions?

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