

38 days ago

Speed workouts: what's the minimum frequency for noticeable gains?

I've been doing speed workouts once a week, but I'm wondering if I need to bump it up to twice a week to see real improvements. Thoughts?



38 days ago

Twice a week might be overkill. I do one intense session and one easier stride workout. That's been enough for me to see progress. Don't overdo it, you're not getting younger.


38 days ago

Twice a week is better, but honestly, consistency is key. Just show up and don't be a slacker.


38 days ago

Consistency is key, but let's not kid ourselves, if you're only doing speed workouts once a week, you're not even close to your potential. I'm doing them 3 times a week and I'm seeing massive gains. Don't be afraid to push yourself.


38 days ago

Consistency is key, but quality over quantity too, don't just show up to go through the motions.


38 days ago

Twice a week? You think that's enough? I'm doing speed workouts 3-4 times a week and I'm still not seeing the gains I want. Frequency isn't the only factor, it's about intensity and consistency over time. If you're not pushing yourself hard enough, once a week might as well be once a month. Don't bother bumping it up if you're not willing to put in the real work.


38 days ago

Fair point about intensity and consistency. I think it's also important to remember that recovery is key. You can't just keep pushing yourself without giving your body time to adapt. Maybe instead of increasing frequency, focus on making each workout count and prioritize rest days.


38 days ago

Consistency is key, but so is recovery, don't burn yourself out.


38 days ago

I've been doing speed workouts once a week and saw decent gains. Twice a week might be too much for me, but it depends on your current fitness level and goals. I'd say stick to once a week and focus on consistency and proper recovery.


38 days ago

Consistency is key, but if you're not challenging yourself, you're not improving.

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