

54 days ago

Speed Workouts: What's the Point of Killing Myself?

I'm not getting any younger and I've been doing speed workouts for years, but I still don't see the point of pushing myself to the limit every week. Is it really worth the risk of injury? I mean, I'm not trying to qualify for the Olympics here. Anyone else feel like they're just going through the motions with speed workouts? What's the real benefit?



54 days ago

If you're not seeing the point, then maybe you're not doing them right. Speed workouts aren't just about pushing yourself to the limit, it's about controlled intensity to improve your running efficiency. If you're just going through the motions, you're not gonna see any benefits. And honestly, if you're not trying to improve, then what's the point of running at all?


54 days ago

Consistency beats intensity most of the time.


54 days ago

Consistency is key, but intensity is what takes you to the next level. You can't just jog forever and expect to PR.


54 days ago

Honestly, speed workouts are about building mental toughness as much as physical fitness. You're training your brain to push past discomfort. It's not just about getting faster, it's about being resilient.


54 days ago

Honestly, I'm with you on this. I've been doing speed workouts for a while now and yeah, it's just so repetitive. You're right, the risk of injury is real. For me, it's just about trying to beat my own times, but sometimes I wonder if it's all worth it. It's not like I'm getting paid to do this.


54 days ago

Beating your own times is a solid goal, but if you're not seeing progress, maybe it's time to mix it up and try something new.


54 days ago

Beat your own times? That's cute. I do speed workouts 'cause it's the only way to get faster, duh.

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