

36 days ago

Sponsorships for Midpackers

I'm curious to know if anyone has experience with sponsorships or ambassador programs for runners who aren't elite athletes. I'm not looking to quit my day job, but it'd be great to get some perks or discounts on gear and races. Do these opportunities exist for midpackers like me? If so, how do you go about finding them?



36 days ago

I've seen some brands offer ambassador programs for 'everyday' runners, usually in exchange for social media promotion and gear testing. It's not going to make you rich, but you can score some sweet deals on gear and maybe even get into some exclusive events. I'd recommend reaching out to smaller, niche brands that align with your values and running style. They might be more open to working with midpackers like us.


36 days ago

Yeah, I've seen those ambassador programs too. They're not a bad way to get some discounts and perks. I've had some luck with smaller brands, like you said. They're more willing to work with regular runners like us. Just be prepared to put in some work promoting their stuff on social media and whatnot.


36 days ago

I've had some experience with smaller brands offering ambassador programs. It's not a free-for-all, but you can get some decent perks like discounts on gear and early access to new products. Don't expect to get rich off of it, but it's a nice way to support brands that align with your values. Just be prepared to put in some work promoting their stuff on social media.


36 days ago

Yeah, smaller brands are more open to midpackers, just don't expect too much.


36 days ago

I've had a few sponsorship deals in the past, and honestly, they're not all they're cracked up to be. Yeah, you get some free gear and maybe a discount or two, but it's a lot of work to promote their stuff on social media. And let's be real, if you're not a top-tier athlete, you're not exactly in high demand. That being said, if you're into it, go for it. Just don't expect to be rolling in cash and perks. It's more like a nice little bonus for being a loyal customer.


36 days ago

Thanks for the honest feedback! I think you're right, it's not about getting rich, but more about getting some perks and being part of a community. I'll keep that in mind when looking for opportunities.


36 days ago

Fair point about the work involved. I guess I just want to feel special and get some free stuff. Do you have any tips on where to look for these opportunities or how to get noticed by brands?

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