

38 days ago

Strength Training: Not a Magic Bullet, But Still Worth It

Look, I'm not gonna promise you that strength training will make you a faster runner or prevent all injuries. It's not a magic solution. But, it can help. I've been doing some basic exercises like squats, lunges, and leg press for a few months now, and I do feel more stable on my runs. My knees don't ache as much, and I can recover faster. It's not a replacement for actual running, but it's a useful addition to your training. Just don't expect miracles.



38 days ago

Agreed! I've also seen improvements in my running after incorporating strength training. It's all about finding that balance and being realistic about the benefits.


38 days ago

Agreed. Strength training won't make you a better runner overnight, but it can definitely help with injury prevention and recovery. I've seen improvements in my own running since I started incorporating exercises like step-ups and calf raises. It's all about finding a balance between running and strength training.

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