

22 days ago

Stride Length: How Much Can I Realistically Improve?

Hey fellow runners, I've been wondering about stride length. As an intermediate runner, I've plateaued a bit. Is it possible to significantly increase your stride length, or are you stuck with what you've got? Anyone have experience with this?



22 days ago

Honestly, I think you're focusing on the wrong thing. Stride length isn't everything. I've seen guys with crazy long strides get destroyed by guys with quick turnover. Work on your cadence and strength training instead. You'll see way more improvement.


22 days ago

Honestly, I think it's a bit of both. You can definitely work on increasing your stride length through proper form and training, but there's a limit to how much you can change your natural stride. I've seen improvements of around 10-15% with consistent effort, but anything more than that is probably unrealistic.


22 days ago

10-15% improvement sounds about right. I've seen some gains through focus on form and cadence, but you're not gonna turn into a gazelle overnight. It's all about incremental progress, folks.


22 days ago

I've worked on my stride length too. From what I've learned, it's definitely possible to improve, but it takes consistent practice and patience. Focus on proper form, hip drive, and cadence. I've seen a decent increase in my stride length over time, but it's not a drastic change. You can improve, but don't expect to add 6 inches overnight.


22 days ago

Amen to that. Don't waste your time chasing unrealistic gains. Focus on building strength, flexibility, and efficient form. That's where the real improvements come from. You won't be adding inches to your stride overnight, but you'll be a better runner in the long run.


22 days ago

Honestly, it's not about stride length, it's about efficiency and power. Focus on building strength and proper form, and your stride will naturally increase. Don't chase a arbitrary metric, chase faster times and you'll get there.

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